an interview with andini makosinski

Written by Andini Makosinski, Inventor & Writer

1. Why is “an approach to leadership that resonates with women” needed?

Even though as a Gen Z’er I expected myself to be more “woke” when it came to female leadership, the beginning of the expedition caused a wake up call for me, where I quickly began questioning all my preconceived notions of what it meant to be a leader. All my life, I had read in either fairytales and news articles, or seen in films and television, examples of “strong” patriarchally-driven male leadership. I didn’t even know what female leadership could look like. My only visual concept of a female leader was someone akin to Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada, an intimidating, impersonal leader wearing a business suit and working in a fancy office.I also found myself quite ignorant of history and for how long women globally had tirelessly fought for equal rights and to be heard. Realising I couldn’t be alone in my ineptitude of grasping what a concept of leadership that resonated with women looked like, the importance of Julia’s expedition began to click.

2. Halfway through the Expedition what are you uncovering?

Halfway through the Expedition, I am realizing the importance of empathy in leadership. Women have a natural tendency to nurture and care, and this is such a crucial quality for being an effective leader. I am also beginning to learn how everybody can be a leader, whether in their personal or professional life. I hope our findings from the expedition will be able to convey how to live with a leadership mindset, and I hope more women will feel enabled to take up their deserving space in the world through this!

To read more about Andini, click here




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