An interview with camila pontual

Written by Camila Pontual, Deputy Coordinator for International and Cooperation

1. Why is “an approach to leadership that resonates with women” needed?

Because leadership in the way I learnt (directly or directly by examples) is an image that. does not resonate with me, and many other women. Leadership cannot be a framework in which we have to be molded into, but must embrace the diversities of meanings, histories and backgrounds, creating a leadership that can and is establish encompass the multiplicities.

I grew up with the image that a leader is a very hierarchical system, when there is not space for questioning, for debate. In a patriarchal society, the top down approach was consolidated.  This creates an uncomfortable feeling of not be welcome. Many start to replicate this framework and behavior, so discuss a new approach is needed, also to fostering new ones that encompass these diversities.

2. Halfway through the Expedition what are you uncovering?

Halfway through the Expedition I uncover hat my feeling towards what and how leadership is done is a collective, and through the process I was inspired by many histories, struggles, and could understand that my challenges are mine but also, I shared them with others amazing women all over the world.

The richness of histories from so many Incredibles women and discussions allow me understand and go deeper more on what and how to approach leadership, and help me to be a better leader.

To read more about Camila, click here


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