AN INTERVIEW WITH hinemoa elder

Written by Hinemoa Elder, Māori Child & Adolescent, Psychiatrist & Author

1. Why is “an approach to leadership that resonates with women” needed?

Māori women suffering with perinatal mental distress kill themselves at 3 times the rate of non-Māori. Our overall rate in Aotearoa, NZ is 6 times that of the UK. These are some of my reasons why we need leadership that resonates with women. This is evidence that womens’ leadership at all levels, woven through activated infrastructure, is absent. Women suffer and die as a result. Papatūānuku, our mother earth is being destroyed because of a lack of womens’ leadership. Any approach to leadership we identify must honour real women’s lives at its heart, in ways that are relevant to us all.

2. Halfway through the Expedition what are you uncovering?

Living in contrasting time zones, climates, seasons, and from different generations we have discovered the joy of distinctiveness. Listening with our women’s ears, hearts and blood means there is an intrinsic and intuitive acceptance. We are the living laboratory of this discovery journey. Testing out expedition theories in our own lives. Science and research is not enough. We must tell our own stories. Better. This is the practice-based, self-reflective practice of women leading. All women are leading one way or another. The elevation of the concept of “leadership” is off putting to many. We are damned if we do and damned if we don’t. Either too emotional or cold hard bitches. Putting women in leadership positions alone doesn’t change organisational or political cultures much, if at all or for long. Our determination is to dismantle structures, behaviours, attitudes and then to rebuild with a purposeful intergenerational, planet-centred focus.

To read more about Hinemoa, click here




an interview with the expedition disruptor and enabler