If That’s Leading, I’m In

We all know what leadership is. What we don't know is why so many women are turned off by the whole idea of doing it. Because leadership has generally been defined by men (and is mainly done by men), we also know that most of the women who do lead think that, in order to succeed, they have to do it like men.

But what if they don't?

What if the problem isn't with women – it's with leadership? And, in a world that needs all the good leaders it can get right now, what will it take for more women to feel that leading is for them? That's the provocative starting point for Julia Middleton's latest book, coming out October, 2023. With 24 women from all over the world, she set out to explore these questions. This book reveals what they discovered. It shares the thoughts, experiences and voices of 101 women they met on the way; and is full of clear, practical advice on how to develop your own leadership, in your own way.

“Women are ideal for leading in these times. They are better communicators and listeners, more emotionally intelligent, better at multi-tasking, less inclined to race from problem to solution and far less likely to let ego govern their interactions. I would love to see all our female leaders really claiming this space.”

- Bin Wolfe

“I stumbled into leading: it was never a decision. And when it got really tough, someone said to me ‘if you want to be liked, sell ice creams, don’t lead.' Then I joined Julia's Expedition. Now I take responsibility for sharing this book with young girls across the world.”

- Folawe Omikunle, TeachForNigeria

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