your expedition awaits yoU


Julia Middleton, Founder of WE, convened 24 women from across the world and together they embarked on an Expedition to discover an approach to leading that resonated with women. Watch the video to know what they found. 

It is now YOUR turn to embark on your own Expedition and discover an approach to leading that resonates with you. Not an Expedition up mountains or across seas but one from your office desk or kitchen table. And we will be with you as you explore, here is how -


Read the Book

‘If that’s leading – I’m in’

This book is the map that gives you the direction for your Expedition. The right exercises, expedition stories and practical advice.


Women Emerging Podcast

A new episode with fresh leading insights released every Wednesday.


Expedition Workshops

An opportunity to ask Julia questions and share your insights with other explorers - every 3 weeks on LinkedIn.

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Share your story

We'll reach out to you and take your story to the community. Please click on the link below to share your story

Train the trainer

Become an expedition leader. Learn the tools & guidance to lead group expeditions.



Bespoke expedition for a collective group. We will design and deliver an expedition experience to ‘Find an approach to leading unique to women in your community/sector’


Julia Middleton

“We launched the expedition to redefine how leadership is done. To help each other get our own leadership right. and to make sure that, if enough of us do it differently,
we make it better for everyone.”

Liz Bloomfield

“One woman can change her own leadership. A million women can change leadership itself.
Think of the impact we'll have if we all do this
together – at the same time.”

Alia Whitney-Johnson

“I came into the Expedition thinking about leading others. Halfway through, I am re-discovering the importance of leading myself.”

Priyanka Handa Ram

“The story of leadership has been, up till now, based on ‘you need to be stronger, you need to take emotion out, it is not personal, it is business.’ It’s a dangerous single story. But when you decide to go on the Expedition, the plot starts to change. And let us not fall into the same trap again; there is no single story for women either. This is going to be your unique story.”